About Us:

Elevated is privately owned and operated by a senior management team with over 30 years experience in the IT Services space and in particular the copier / printer industry. We specialize in the supply & service support from some of the worlds leading manufacturers.

We have very carefully chosen our suppliers . So we can give our customers a comprehensive range of devices to ensure best value, ideal size / footprint space, software enhancements and very competitive running costs, which form a large part of a clients “ total cost of ownership “. The choice of products are also environmentally friendly.

Please contact our Head Office and ask for Customer Relations on 385 281 8441.

We offer high-quality custom printing solutions, including business cards, brochures, flyers, and large-format prints. With fast shipping and excellent customer service, we’re here to help bring your ideas to life. Have questions? Visit our Help Center or contact us directly. Stay connected by following us on social media and subscribing to our newsletter for the latest updates and exclusive offers!

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